Monday, February 5, 2007

What Social Services Doesn't Know Can't Hurt Them

I'm going to write this in a small font... maybe then they won't find me. I'm sure google searches don't pick up "tiny" fonts.

In the last 6 days, the following incidents have occurred to our children while under our care:

Last Wednesday, Justin tried to go down the porch steps forward and landed on his head. (Doug's fault)

Friday, while in a toddler room in a children's museum, Justin found his way out of the enclosed area, through the lobby, and up 15 stairs before I realized he was missing and found him. (my fault)

Saturday was the day of the unfortunate bulbing incident on Nathan. (I still say that was Doug's fault.) (see post if you must)

Today I propped Nathan up in the corner of the couch. While still sitting next to him, I turned away to pick up a toy to show him... only to hear a double thud. The most horrible noise you could imagine. I turned back to find him laying stretched out on our hardwood floor. (This was definitely my fault.) When Daddy came home, i asked Justin to tell Daddy what happened to Nathan, and he ran over to the floor and exclaimed, "DA DA DA!!"

About 20 minutes later, Justin fell out of a chair onto his... you guessed it, his head. (This was Justin's fault.)

Thankfully, everyone is okay... we'll see what tomorrow holds.

The day after I wrote this, we were responsible for inflicting yet another injury on our children. Doug was cutting Nathan's little finger nails and cut a little skin on his right thumb--- the one he sucks no less. (Thankfully this one adds a tally to Doug's side... i couldn't take another one on mine.)


Missy K said...

Bwahahaha! I have felt sometimes that if the boys survive us, they can survive anything! So glad you are blogging girl!

Alex Nelson said...

haha this is so funny. it reminds me of the sex and the city episode Steve doesn't want to take the baby overnight because he's afraid of accidentally killing him. Miranda says to Steve, "Okay, so we're both afraid of killing the baby - that's a given, but Monday through Friday I try not to kill him and Saturday and Sunday you try not to kill him." After reading your blog, I couldn't help but think of this!