Monday, August 27, 2007

All's Messy but the Notebook

Okay, so I took my dear friend Missy's advice and have started my very own Home Organization Notebook. I'm inordinately excited about this thing. So excited I figured it was worth breaking my internet silence over. The front half is home/personal and the second half is for work. The front half has sections for a calendar, several categories of to-do lists, library (books to read for kids and for me-- yes, I'm trying to read more than Sandra Boynton these days) lists, weekly meal planner, birthday calendar (sorry I've missed so many birthdays lately everyone!), phone lists, etc. I've been giddy about this thing. The above site has FREE printable sheets in those categories and more.

I used to be a daytimer chic- I was newly out of college and in love with the supple leather, then I became a Palm Pilot ace- enjoying all the beaming and sinking, and now I'm back to 3rd grade with a turquoise 3-ring binder and fluorescent section dividers. I couldn't be more thrilled. I got tired of my computer losing my information, my palm dieing, not having a place for things only found on paper, waiting for my computer to pull up wanted information, fighting off wandering toddler hands, etc.

Now I have a place for everything... well, it's getting close anyway. And it's all in such a cute system I can use whenever! It's been so much fun to fill out the divider sections and arrange it all. I had forgotten how fun it was to stack papers, punch holes, click that 3 ring, all that. As I've come upon a new needed section for my notebook, I've sprinted to my hubbie in delight to announce the addition. I've showed him the update at every turn, sometimes every 10 minutes, and he's been graciously excited with me. He came home today with a "surprise" for me. Guess what it was? A new bright orange zipper pen pouch- equipped with 5 colored pens- that attaches to my 3-ring binder! It might be one of the most thoughtful gifts he's ever given me. That's a compliment to him and my notebook, not a statement on last gifts! Shame on you!

As I've had my head buried in the sand of my new home organization notebook, somehow my home has gotten quite disorganized. Now, how does that work?? I guess my time has been put to the bigger picture for a time while the toys and mail and laundry build. Hopefully like Tiger Woods new golf swing (am I good or what, Doug?!), after a time of organizational shifting and tweaking, the home will rise to a new level of peace. As I complained of the clutter this evening, Doug's advice was to simply "if you place your hand in such a way as to block the lower half of the room, everything looks great!"

He can use his hand, I'm going to use my new notebook.


Missy K said...

Sounds great girlie-- I think you have surpassed me in this area-- my notebook is still taking shape here.

Anonymous said...

You've inspired me. Thanks for the link to the free downloads. I just started a homeschooling notebook over the weekend. Now I think I will expand it.