Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sweet Potato Pie

is currently in my tummy. You might think making homemade pie was my next attempt to feel at home in our new digs. Although the pie describes itself as "fresh," be assured that it was "fresh" out of a Mrs. Smiths box. My latest Grocery Game deal. Yummy and easy.

Curious what was in this frozen treat, I was pleasantly surprised to find sweet potatoes as the first ingredient. Who knew? I decided not to read on... I think the ingredient list was a good 25% of the back of the box. At this moment I am okay about eating things like sorbate, artificial colors, and high fructose corn syrup... all at 18 grams of fat per serving- no trans fat though... so it must be healthy. I guess you can tell I decided to go ahead and read the box. Anyway...

More and more, Doug and I are trying to eat more healthy and responsibility. You live in Asheville long enough and its organic/local food thrush will grow on you. We only buy organic milk for us and Justin, after hearing about the hormones fed to (unorganic) cows . Our many vegetarian students are starting to make a lot of sense about their choices. We're not ready to give up our bacon, but ready to consider decreasing the amount of meat we consume for our own health and for the sake of caring better for the earth. Our latest conviction is to buy organic, free-trade, shade-grown coffee.

But I'm on the fence in many ways. I loved my slice of frozen, never-gonna-spoil Mrs. Smith's pie today. And I refuse to let anyone or anything let me feel guilty about it!

Last night, Doug and I enjoyed dinner at (gasp!) Denny's... and really enjoyed that kids eat free on Saturday night... for any amount of kids by the way. After overeating pork scraps(sausage), bad coffee, too much butter, syrup, and eggs, Doug exclaimed, "I think we'll be that family that eats at Denny's every night." I'm kinda so embarrassed that we would even consider such a thing... but kind of intrigued as well.

While I respect and appreciate the organic vision-- for our health and the environment, I'm at this point unwilling to shift more money from other areas in our budget in order to go all organic. But I do feel the tension. Do you?

If you would like to share, what are the areas regarding health that you have developed a conviction for? What are the areas in which you've decided to be lackadaisical?


Missy K said...

UM, ok, confession time. My first thought on reading this post was "Cool! We can meet Doug and Rachel and the boys for dinner at Denny's some Saturday night-- kids eat free-- woo hoo!!!

Health-- this is not my strong suit. We buy local produce when available, and we are blessed to live in an area where it is abundant for much of the year. We are in the long trench of parenting little ones where we continually offer good choices for the boys, and they sometimes make them. We keep lots of fresh food here, and I increasingly try to move away from processed toward "whole" foods. But I'm not always very successful.

I definitely feel the tension of the pull of the organic lifestyle, but my grocery-game loving self has trouble making the numbers work. As far as free trade, like coffee and chocolate, I am becoming increasingly convicted at what my cheap coffee is costing others. And maybe that means if I buy more responsibly, that means less coffee for us. And that is ok.

Every good choice is a good choice. It is what I try to tell myself with the little guys, and with myself as well.

Katie W. said...

Rach! Welcome to blogdom. I wish Id've known sooner, but its been fun scanning some past posts!
Organic Milk - yes. lasts longer and tastes better. Same w/ most organic produce.

Whole foods is NEVER a quick trip for me. I love it. But I don't love spending 2 times more than I should on all my fruits, veg and snackies.

Its ridiculous how much stuff has strange-sounding oils and high-fructose corn syrup in them. My favorite grocery moment is when an ingredients list only has like 5 things on it. And I've been looking lots lately b/c...

we're actually going Vegan for a bit (whoa...should we live in Asheville or what!)...long story, but we're definitely saving by only buying rice, produce and canned goods!


Rachel said...

Thanks you guys!

Katie- sorry I forgot to let you know!! My brain is suffering from serious baby brain, moving brain, etc. I keep hitting your post to see if you've written anew... keep us "posted" (hardy har har)when you do another one! And I'd love to hear more about the vegan thing...

Leah said...

Hi Rachel,

I am like you, I don't want to feel guilty about eating the occasional "less-than-natural" food. However, 95% of the time we eat fresh (not organic, I can't spend 15 dollars on 9 apples)veges and fruits, and will more in the summer from the Farmer's Market, we eat white pasta only about once a month, and we don't eat white bread. We have mostly eliminated refined sugar. And we have gone to hormone free meat and free-range eggs. I have not made the milk switch yet, but it is coming. :) Maybe once at least one of the three men in the house move out and I can find some extra money in the budget. :) But like most people, we all have our moments of weakness. So there you have it. :)