Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hip Rider

Doug's parents are in town, so after (we thought) the kids were sound asleep, we went out for a little date. It turned out that both were up for a while. Glad I didn't know until we came home!

We had planned on going somewhere for dessert and coffee, when Doug suggested we go to BedBathBeyond to look for new knives and a few other things on our list. (We lost all our knives in our move... they are probably in some strange box now put in a place unknown to us--- like under Nathan's bed or something.) A goofy grin spread over my face at the suggestion of spending an evening combing its isles.

You see, Doug and I have inordinate amounts of fun when we go to a place like that without kids for a "date." I'm not sure what it is. We've had lots of talking time several evenings this week, so having a shared experience was perfect.

So we gathered up all 31 20%-off BBB coupons my mother mailed us (do you know they don't actually EVER expire?) and engaged in flirtatious bumps of the elbow and inappropriate words spoken loudly as others walked by.

One of the things on our list was a laundry basket. The only one they sold (we thought it humorous they only sold one kind... probably due to all the infomercial stuff crammed in their isles) was titled "Hip Rider." It has an indention on one side sit "comfortably" on your hip. That was just too much for Doug. "Here woman! Try it out, right where it belongs on ya!" One reason why it is so funny is because it is so far from Doug's character to force that role one me, even so literally.

I'm certain these types of exchanges between my beloved and me cannot be retold in a way understood or appreciated by the lot of the world. That is one thing precious between lovers. Love looks so foolish from the outside. What a gift it is to experience foolishness to vividly on the inside.

If you care to share-and its appropriate for our ears!, what are foolish things experienced by you and your lover?

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