Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Magic Hour

I love the hour or so around dusk. I hear photographers call it the "magic hour..." when almost anything you shoot turns out really well. I love how everything seems to glow in the soft light. I love that if you're out in it, you want to stop, look around, and soak it all in.

While there are those types of "magic hours" every day, I like to think there are similar magical hours in our family's life. Moments that are a predictable but special and able to be enjoyed nonetheless. While they are as common as dirt, you have to be ready and present for them or you'll take them for granted, miss them. Everyday moments I pray that the Lord would give me open eyes, ears, and a heart for.

I had several of the above moments with Nathan this weekend. I attended a women's retreat with my church and he came along with me. I cherished this time alone with my second son... who every day waits for big brother to go first. Nathan, my son- a male, was a highlight of my time on a women's retreat... go figure! I loved having him all to myself and giving him all of my attention. Although there was baby equipment for him, I preferred to keep him on my lap. I must have kissed those smooth, warm, and fluffy cheeks 10,000 times. His responsive giggles and nuzzles convinced me as much. I thrived in that special time between the two of us.

Much less often are those very special moments that surprise me in the life of my family. The moments of sudden deep connection that goes beyond any human comprehension. They happen to me very infrequently. These moments broadside me; whether I am paying attention or not, they melt me, floor me. They again remind me that there is someOne much bigger than I orchestrating such beautiful moments.

Tonight at the end of dinner, Doug was swinging on the porch swing with a tired Nathan and I was waiting for a tired Justin to finish his dinner. And it happened. Justin and I were playing a game where I make a face and he imitates me. We were cracking up at each other's faces... sincerely and fully enjoying each other's company. Between the faces, Justin would gaze into my eyes, waiting for the next face I was to make. But a few of those pauses lingered. I felt like we were staring into each other's souls. I felt like we were both ageless... I was not 31 and he was not almost 2. I wasn't even Mommy and him son. To watch a video of the moment, you would have missed it. It was internal, a moment my gut told me was happening. And it was beautiful.

While very different, both types of moments are special in their own way. And to experience both this weekend with my sons, I am grateful.

1 comment:

Missy K said...

Oh, Rachel, what a beautiful beautiful post. Such moments are pure grace, total gifts. Thanks for sharing yours.

Let's set up another phone date soon, friend!